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Protecting Your SMBs Against Cybersecurity Threats

Cyber security 04/13/2020 - 12:22 by Swathi Raju

Concerns Of SMBs Against Cyber Security Threats

Over the years, the growth of SMBs is increasing. How adequate are SMBs when it comes to Cybersecurity threats? Sometimes, harmless-looking email attachments can carry malware that causes prominent damage to any business. The question is – How secure are the SMBs from cybersecurity attacks? Do SMBs have an appropriate IT Team in place? Do SMBs have highly skilled cyber security professionals to handle cyber incidents and respond to cyber threats?

58% of breaches took place at SMBs.

The average cost of an SMB data breach is around $120K.

62% lack the skills in-house to deal with security-related incidents.

SMBs do not grasp the scope and complexity of cybersecurity threats. They are at times overwhelmed and uncertain about what more they can do to secure their businesses.

What are the major concerns of SMBs?

The major concerns of SMBs are as follows;

  • Preventing a costly data breach
  • Protecting business and customer data
  • Staying compliant

Defend against threats –

  • To secure themselves against viruses, phishing, malicious attachments, and other cyber threats.
  • Verify the links at click to tackle advanced phishing.
  • Malware detection with sandbox analysis of email attachments.
  • Enable anti-phishing policies.
  • Enable advanced multi-factor authentication.
  • Enable features to secure Windows 10 devices.

Protect business data –

  • Keeping personal and financial information safe.
  • Maintaining customer loyalty and to comply with industry standards.
  • Encrypt sensitive emails.
  • Limit the exchange of sensitive information such as PIN.
  • Restrict storing and downloading of company information.
  • Enable unlimited cloud archiving.

Secure devices –

  • Support customers to embrace mobile productivity without the risk of security exposure.
  • Enabling Access Control as to which users can access business information.
  • Applying IT policies to protect data on devices.
  • Storing company data on devices that are approved from the business end.
  • Deleting business data from lost or stolen devices with the selective wipe.

FAQs are to be checked periodically by SMBs to run a secure business

Here are a couple of frequently asked questions that are pain points for every SMB and if your business is among them, then evaluate yourself with these for instance.


  1. Have you had any recent security incidents you are aware of?
  2. What are your security concerns?
  3. Can you quickly identify suspicious activities and attacks?
  4. How do you secure platforms and devices, especially for mobile or remote workers?
  5. How do you maintain visibility and control, and protect applications?
  6. Have you developed a solid security strategy yet?


How to secure your businesses from the above-mentioned SMB concerns?

  • Protect against sophisticated threats hidden in online email attachments and links.
  • Protect against sophisticated malware with analysis of email attachments.
  • Anti-phishing policies.
  • Configure advanced multi-factor authentication policies.
  • Enforce malware protection across Windows 10 devices.
  • Protect sensitive data from leaking.
  • Encrypt email for recipient use only.
  • Using Set permissions and Labels for files to maintain confidentiality.
  • Enforcing user access control.
  • Apply policies to protect data on phones.
  • Keep business data inside approved Office mobile apps.
  • Remotely erasing company data from lost or stolen devices.

Why opt for Teceze for the above-mentioned SMB concerns?

Teceze can provide the best solution for SMBs by providing Microsoft Office 365 Business and Enterprise Licences. Microsoft 365 Business combines Office 365 productivity tools with a comprehensive security solution that protects your business against advanced cyber threats.

At Teceze, we offer our services by securing your businesses using ATP-safe links, ATP-safe attachments, ATP Anti-Phishing Intelligence, Azure, Windows Defender, Message Encryption, Conditional Access, and preventing Data Loss. We help businesses defend against advanced cyber threats and simplify IT management with a single solution.

Security is – providing access to information for those who need it and keeping out those who don’t.

If you’d like to know more about how your business can benefit from managed services, just give us a call, we are here to help.

The only way to protect what you’ve worked hard to build is to be vigilant when it comes to cybersecurity. If you’d like to know more about how your business can benefit from managed services, just give us a call, we are here to help.

Cybersecurity is an important concern for companies of all sizes. Yet, many small and medium businesses (SMBs) don’t put much effort into protecting