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How To Protect Your Business From Cyber Attacks?

Cyber security 11/18/2019 - 08:15 by Swami Nathan

What is Cyber Security?

The objective of cyber security is to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks that pose a threat to computers, databases, mobile phones, electronic systems, and networks. Often known as Information Technology Security or Digital Information Security, it is commonly divided into three’ pillars’: individuals, processes, and technology, all of which are used to protect against cyber threats.

So what are these threats' purposes? Cyber attacks are usually meant to access, alter, or kill confidential information and data, interrupt regular business processes, and sometimes steal money, objects, or identities from individuals or organizations more generally. To defend themselves from such threats, businesses need cyber security in place.

What are the Types of Cyber Security Threats?

Cyber attacks can take several different forms; and it’s important to protect your company against them all, regardless of size. The 3 main types of cyber threats are fairly well documented:


Phishing is a type of social engineering attack sent by email or text message. Used to steal data from users; account info, credit card numbers, etc.


Ransomware is a kind of software used to deny access to a computer system or specific data until payment is made for a ransom, usually monetary.


Malicious software (‘malware’) is a computer user-harmful program or document, including viruses, spyware, and Trojan horses.

Why is Cyber Security Important?

Since digital products (computers, tablets, and so on) are now playing such a central role in our everyday and working lives, cyber security is critical for everyone; from individuals searching for their online identity to companies wanting to protect important information such as private, financial, and medical records.

Cyber attacks can damage both reputation and revenue for businesses, and they are a major concern for businesses of all sizes and across different industries. Cybersecurity systems will adapt and evolve accordingly as these cybersecurity attacks continue to grow and become more sophisticated.

In 2018, many companies have been victims of cybercrimes, according to recent reports. Largely because of these corporations‘ poor security measures. Large enterprises are facing complex market challenges and to overcome such issues, they need to develop and implement security-related plans and strategies.

Companies are investing more in security to protect their data and confidential information against hackers and other cyber threats and 2019 has already proven to be much better.

Order A Security Assessment

If you’re serious about cyber security, particularly if you don’t know when your last security assessment took place, this should be your very first priority. A risk analysis from a credible, long-standing managed security service provider will be able to identify the most common threats facing companies in your sector and provide a general action plan to address vulnerabilities. Every good assessment of safety should include:

  1. Assign a particular team to manage and interpret the report
  2. Check your current cyber security policies
  3. Estimate the effect of a cyber attack on your company
  4. Determine the risk of an attack given your current contingency strategy for cyber intrusion
  5. Summarising threats and vulnerabilities
  6. Providing options for patching loopholes and security gaps

Activate The Important Parts Of Your Firewall

Deep reporting with the ability to send logs to your security team for analysis will be offered by the best business firewalls. A Managed Security Service provider will be able to apply threat detection by severity to your traffic and identify security incidents, filtering millions of regular warnings and notifications through the noise to locate those that matter.

Protect Your Hardware

Today, companies give so much importance to the security of software that they often overlook hardware security. Hardware device loss or theft is a threat that should be known to a business owner.

What you can do is use password managers to protect your computers with complex and complicated passwords. Every user of the device should have their own account and password manager. Use some of these password management ideas if you don’t use a password manager, but never write passwords in an accessible location.

In addition, by using anti-theft cables or brackets, setting up surveillance or web cameras, or locking your server and communications rooms, you can protect your hardware. Consider adding a bio-metric scan to unlock the doors or installing an alarm system if you have sensitive customer data.

Trigger Mobile Device Security

You have to make it clear to employees that the highest priority is safety. While it may be time-consuming to password-protect a computer, turn on two-factor authentication, or set up email encryption across multiple devices, it is never as serious as a data breach.

Keep Your System Update

Keeping up-to-date your system software is essential to your business cyber security. Updated security software and robust firewall settings ensure that cyber criminals stop viruses or assaults. You will be shielded from many of the known vulnerabilities that cyber criminals regularly target if your device is patched automatically.

Enact Advanced Endpoint And Detection Response

Although most companies will have anti-virus and malware detection installed across their network, in what is a rapidly changing field, many programs are not fit for purpose. Your protection endpoint should be able to handle attacks based on files and scripts, as well as be able to roll back the damage caused by an assault on ransomware encryption.

Promote Staff Security Awareness

Regular training is key to building a workforce that understands not only the basics of safety at work, but the importance of applying it to all situations.

Defend Against Spam Email

Attacks that originate through email are the book’s oldest tricks but are still relatively common as they are so easy to perform. Filtering the company’s address, placing restrictions, and whitelisting and blacklisting servers can all help reduce the risk of spam emails suffering.

Encourage Proper Password Usage

The simple defect of not having correct password management in place can quickly undo all the hard work to secure your systems. Using the same passwords across personal and work accounts, employees often prioritize convenience over security. Complex, alphanumeric strings are the most efficient and difficult to guess for hackers. You can also set timeouts for the user screen and filter that have access to files and folders of high level.

Research The Dark Web

Your managed security service provider should employ dark web research experts to keep up with data leaks that are frequently traded across black online markets. One of the biggest breaches to date has seen more than a billion pieces of personal information going up for sale, including easy-to-search unencrypted passwords and business logins.

Backup Regularly

Automating backups to the cloud can save you time and money and protect you from the heart-stopping loss of critical business information, be it intellectual property, business contracts, or ongoing work. The best backups will allow you to access and restore previous versions of saved files. Daily backup, and always verify that your backups function as they should.

Encrypt Everything

Any data that travels from your business to your customers should be encrypted as a matter of course, whether it is email, work files, or personally identifiable information. While business-to-business emails are private, unintended participants can read or share them easily. In the background, the best methods of encryption work without affecting speed or reliability.

Authorise SIEM/Log Management

SIEM or Security Incident and Event Management is the most resource-efficient way for teams to compare the vast quantity of data generated daily to evaluate the network logs in real time. To provide you with actionable security updates and guidance to better protect your valuable data, having a firm hand on business data is essential.

Set Program Updates

Unpatched programs may open unannounced backdoors for hackers to slip into your network. Microsoft, Java, and Adobe programs like to upgrade very often, and it can be hard to tell which changes are important and which ones are merely desirable. Managed security service providers will automate your updates as and when required on a sliding scale to patch critical vulnerabilities.

Impose Multi-Factor Authentication

Most employees will be aware of two or three-factor authentication, and your provider can advise on the best options for ensuring that data is locked behind walls that can only be accessed by those authorized.

Offer Web Gateway Security

When the vast majority of your company’s work is done online, you need secure web gateway solutions to protect your network’s devices from intrusion and implement company policy on which sites to access. Gateways should include URL filtering, application control for social media management, and methods for rapid detection of potentially malicious code. The best packages also include native data leak prevention.

Why Teceze for Cyber Security?

With years of industry experience and technical excellence, a dedicated team at teceze is capable of protecting your organization from cyber threats and can adapt to the unique and individual needs of every industry such as law firms, healthcare, financial services, Law Enforcement Agencies, and other commercial organizations.

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